The experts at Dental 32 in Magherafelt advise on how to take care of your teeth when you have Diabetes
Diabetes is a complex condition that can cause a wide range of symptoms, complications, and health issues. So, if you have diabetes, keeping your mouth, teeth, and gums healthy is an important part of managing your condition.
According to Diabetes UK, diabetics are approximately three times more likely to develop dental problems than those who don’t have diabetes.
Because Diabetics have high blood sugar levels for a long period of time, this can result in an increased level of sugar in saliva, creating the perfect breeding ground for bacteria. Bacteria produce acid, which attacks the tooth enamel and damages the gums. Having high blood sugar can also damage the blood vessels in the gums, increasing the risk of infection.
Gum disease is the most common dental health problem experienced by people with diabetes.
If your diabetes isn’t controlled, high sugar levels in saliva cause bacteria to breed, causing increased plague which can then lead to gum disease.
If gum disease is left untreated, it can turn into periodontitis, a more severe, irreversible type of gum disease which can result in the erosion of the bone and tissue that support your teeth. In severe cases, this can lead to tooth loss.
Symptoms of gum disease include red, swollen gums; bleeding gums; bad breath; unpleasant taste or loose teeth; receding gums.
Because bacteria feed on sugar, people with diabetes may be at a higher risk of developing tooth decay. Again, this is due to the increased levels of sugar in the blood and saliva.
Symptoms of tooth decay include toothache; sensitivity; bad breath; grey, brown or black spots on the teeth, unpleasant taste.
Just like bacteria, fungi thrive in high sugar environments. As a result, infections such as thrush (candidiasis) are more common in people with diabetes. In addition, many diabetics regularly must take antibiotics to treat a range of infections which makes them more prone to thrush.
Here are our top dental hygiene tips for keeping your teeth, mouth, and gums healthy:
– Keep your blood sugar under control
– Brush and floss thoroughly at least twice every day to keep the plaque off your teeth
– Make sure you brush your tongue well too
– Use fluoride toothpaste
– Rinse your mouth with an antiseptic mouthwash
– Eat a healthy, balanced diet
– Drink plenty of water
– Avoid smoking. Or, if you currently smoke, try and quit
– If you wear dentures, keep them clean to prevent the build-up of bacteria
– Get regular dental check ups
If you are struggling to keep your blood sugar levels under control, your GP or diabetic nurse can help. It’s important that diabetics take extra care of their teeth, mouth, and gums. Follow our top dental hygiene tips above to keep on top of your dental care. You should also book a check-up with your dentist and hygienist at least twice a year and always visit them if you are experiencing any issues or symptoms.