• By Local Women Editor
  • 2 weeks ago


Local Women Magazine’s Mandi Millar meets the two disco divas who enjoy shaking it off at Armagh’s Black Moon Disco.

Move over Strictly – there’s a new dance team in town!

But neither the glitz nor the glamour of that TV spectacular could hold even a sequin to the spangly sparkle of this Armagh double act.

For the irrepressible Holly Chatten (22) and her BFF Amy Wilson (23) – who’ve more bubbles than a bottle of Bolly between them – are like any other 20-somethings counting down the days to the next incredABLE Black Moon disco.

“That’s what makes this disco – one of many organised throughout the year by the incredABLE organisation – so special for it gives the girls a chance to be like any other young person their age,” explains Holly’s mum Jo-Anne, from Lurgan, when she gets a word in that is!

And Amy knows all about trying to get a word in…

“What’s Holly’s second name,” she pipes up as we all chat. “Chatten!” she declares, through gales of giggles – Chatten by name Chatten by nature!

And that’s just the sort of fire-cracking spark you get from these livewires whose friendship – a joy to be part of for even a short time – has been fostered by incredABLE which, like Holly, lives up to its name too.

“incredABLE was set up to create meaningful social, recreational and skills-based opportunities that really count for people with a learning/intellectual disability and/or autism throughout the Southern Health and Social Care Trust Area,” explains Jo-Anne whose first connection with the organisation was actually through her work as a physiotherapist.

“Before it became incredABLE the organisation was known as Enable and Nigel Hampton from Enable approached me for advice. And that same fresh young 20- something, is at the helm today as CEO today!

“They wanted to take a group of kids ziplining and the question was should they send the wheelchair down first or the child. And then they wanted to know how they’d change and do personal care in a canoe!”

That’s when Jo-Anne realised this was one organisation determined to deliver on the buzzwords of its manifesto so the people with whom it works alongside could make choices, discover talents, realise passions and participate in their communities on their own terms.

But an organisation that started round a kitchen table with a group of parents, volunteers and professionals and no budget 25 years ago has grown into one that today takes £2.5m annually to run and supports about 600 local families whose children all have their own challenges.

 “Once a young person like that gets to 18 it can be like falling off a cliff. There are supports and services in place until then but after that the young person, with all their hopes and aspirations like anyone else, is left high and dry.

“While their brothers and sisters are heading out at weekends or evenings they’re in their bedrooms, unable to even keep in touch with people they knew from school or clubs when they were younger.”

Amy’s mum Pauline Rayner agrees. Amy was actually one of about 100 kids she’s fostered over the years – except Amy simply never left.

“We live in the countryside at Loughgall so without the like of incredABLE, Amy would be lost,” she says.

And the need has only grown in the last quarter century, according to Gemma McKinney, operations manager at the registered charity which now a supports people from aged five to 60 and beyond.

Today it provides everything from holidays and adventures at its 5000 sq ft incredABLE Mourne Residential Centre, to employment and learning opportunities through its three social enterprise cafes; from youth clubs and day opportunities to respite breaks and life skills programmes – and not forgetting the incredABLE Black Moon Discos, a much needed and in demand provision of evening social opportunity.

“We tailor everything to the person whether they need minimal support or have complex behavioural and physical needs,” says Gemma who hopes incredABLE will continue to grow its success through further social enterprise projects, strengthening partnerships with businesses and the councils and building sustainable funding models which won’t depend on grants and fundraising.

But while measuring outcomes is all very well, surely when it’s all boiled down, Holly and Amy are what it’s all about. Their infectious enthusiasm for all that their incredABLE lives offer, from learning and laughter to fun and friendship, must be the very the embodiment and measurement of success for this uniquely innovative organisation.

“Their wee personalities just spark off each other. They can talk about their ‘work’ and look forward to the Valentine disco just like any other 20-something,” says Jo-Anne who, truth to tell, is looking forward to the night out just as much as the girls.

“We would be very confident leaving the girls at the disco because even though it’s an over-18 venue and has a bar, it’s very well organised. But to be honest it’s always a great night so we end up staying.

“And there’s none of this waiting until the end before anyone gets up to dance. From that first beat Amy and Holly are up and that’s them for the night!”

Holly agrees – and she’s not remotely interested in the bar anyway.

“You’ll be up to Shaboozy! Shaboozy! Shaboozy!” she laughs bopping to the infectious country and western chart hit in her head as she obviously recalls the scene from the last time her mum and Pauline threw shapes on the dance floor to the massive country and western pop hit.

And do you know what? Why wouldn’t they? For it all sounds…. well, incredABLE!

* For more information on incredABLE visit www.incredable.org.uk and for updates on incredABLE Black Moon Discos throughout the year follow https://www.facebook.com/weareincredABLE

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