‘Ladies, it’s time to put ourselves first!’

TV's Sarah Travers is hosting a special weekend retreat

 A walk along a north coast beach with new friends, a dip in the sea and a guided reflection, followed by a home cooked dinner prepared by one of Northern Ireland’s top chefs  – it sounds like heaven!

Wouldn’t it be lovely to take a weekend to yourself and spend it with like-minded ladies who all want to empower and rejuvenate themselves?

 Thanks to Portstewart’s Sarah Travers, you could be enjoying a weekend like this as she launches her first retreat based at Downhill next spring.

 This is an entirely new venture for Sarah, a well-known TV and radio presenter who has enjoyed a hugely successful media career, and who is keen to step out of her comfort zone and focus on wellness, both mental and physical.

Over the past few years, she has turned her attention to helping women build their resilience and overcome obstacles that are in the way of their personal and professional growth.

Through the company she owns with her business partner Camilla Long, Bespoke Communications, Sarah, now an ILM accredited coach offers media and presentation training along with courses and workshops tailored to women who need space to reflect on their lives and gain the confidence to make changes they need.

 And it is with these principles in mind that she has created the ‘Reflect and Empower Women’s Retreat’ which she hopes will be a transformative experience for all participants.

 Sarah says: “I was fifty this year and I think once you reach a certain age, you do tend to reflect on life. For me like many women, my children are that bit older and I have more time – but you do begin to realise that you are not used to doing things for yourself. In fact, as women of a certain age we feel guilty about doing things for ourselves.

 “This retreat won’t be a boot camp based on exercise or detoxing; it’s not going to be hard work like that! I simply want women to find time and space for themselves and take stock of their lives and see how they are moving forward.

“I wanted the emphasis to be on the ‘treat’ of retreat … re-treat yourself! We have all come so far over the years with life’s up and downs – let’s invest in ourselves and rejuvenate ourselves without feeling guilty.”

And Sarah is keen for people to experience her beloved north coast, where she has always lived and where she enjoys spending time in nature when her busy schedule allows.

 In recent years Sarah has prioritised finding balance in her own life and enjoys sea swimming and walks on the beach during her downtime.

 She loves the rugged north coast and spends as much time as she can outdoors – and she wants to show the retreat participants how she relaxes.

 And indeed,  judging by her glowing complexion and serene demeanour,  Sarah is definitely doing something right, and we could all do with taking a leaf out her book.

 She explains: “This retreat will be a little bit of me. I was very particular about that, and we have worked hard  to make sure it is all things that I enjoy doing.

“There will be walks and of course sea dipping which I started doing during the pandemic and just love. We will even be trying a little painting, so that will be something new for me. But there will also be lots of time to spend on your own if you like and enjoy a little personal reflection.

“During the workshops that I will host,  I want to teach the ladies things that I have found so beneficial over the years. I work very much on building resilience, and this is something I am keen to pass on to the ladies.

 “It is female only so it will be a wonderful space for us all to share stories and a chance to put ourselves first and be heard.”

 One aspect all the ladies will be looking forward to is the food –  and there will be a special celebration dinner, dished up by none other than the North Coast’s very own celebrity chef Paula McIntyre.

 Paula has appeared on many TV programmes including Ready Steady Cook and Taste For Adventure and she is well known for her wonderful personality as well as her delicious food.

On the Saturday night, Paula will host an exclusive cooking demonstration which is guaranteed to be an absolute treat and a true celebration for everyone involved.

Picture yourself looking out at the beautiful coastline and enjoying the fun with your new friends as you get ready to enjoy a gourmet feast!

 The two day retreat guarantees to be a celebration of nourishment and flavour with all meals provided by a local catering company – from  wholesome breakfasts to set you up for a day of wellness and relaxation, and tasty healthy dinners giving you flavours of the north coast.

And for Sarah the retreat provides her with a chance to try something new. With a keen interest in health and wellness, she has always wanted to share what she has learned with other women and is happy to be inviting them into her world.

 She explains: “It is exciting for me to try something a little different and outside of my comfort zone. I’m delighted Paula McIntrye is joining us as she is just a brilliant woman. We are two local girls who are proud to show off where we are from, and I know we will all have such fun.

 “At this age, it’s time to invest in yourself, that’s one important lesson I have learned. We all need to learn to be our own best friend rather than our worst enemy.

 “I’m excited for the future and everything it holds.

“The Downhill Beach house where we will stay is perfect, You can bring a friend if you like or come on your own. I can almost hear those waves crashing on beach!”

To find out more about ‘Reflect and Empower Women’s Retreat with Sarah Travers’ contact Tally at Eventwise NI tally@eventwiseni.comwww.eventwiseni.com

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