Is there anything better on a cold day than grabbing a mug of hot tea between your hands? 

It’s like a warm, reassuring hug. 

And sure, in Northern Ireland, isn’t a cup of tea the answer to everything? 

The drink, which originates thousands of miles away, now holds a hallowed place in most homes and the method of making it is the source of much debate in offices up and down the island. 

(Personally, we won’t budge from the position that the milk goes in after the water). 

With all this in mind, you wouldn’t want to drink out of any old mug. 

So, here are some of the locally-made beauties we’ve got our eye on…

The Blackheath Pottery

Alison Hanvey

Wholesome Northern Ireland

Ciara Campbell Ceramics

Gilly Bean Pottery

Loaf Catering

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